Co-founder, Product & Dev at Flexiple ($700,000 revenue) & Remote Tools.
Hey everyone, I know how researching companies when you're job hunting is an absolute PAIN - both in time & energy. More so when you're looking for...
Hey everyone, I am Hrishikesh, co-founder of Flexiple, an exclusive freelance network for developers & designers. I am forever on the lookout for...
2020 is the year everyone got a taste of remote working & many transitioned to remote permanently! I am super keen to uncover the long-term impact &...
Trump may not be occupied from now on, so maybe he can entertain you! I built a fun side project in 4 hours: TRUMP...
I spend hours browsing through news & articles to find some quality content around remote work. Mostly, I end up knowing nothing new. If I am lucky, I...
Let me start by asking you a question. Say, your employer is ready to offer you the perk of permanent remote work but asks you to take a pay cut...